3 myths of cosmetic surgery

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Cosmetic surgery is full of myths, but we collected three very popular so that you have in mind.

MYTH 1: It is for seniors

Aesthetic medicine is based on multiple treatments for patients with various pathologies. It's not just about doing procedures to hide wrinkles. Juvenile acne that some teens present, is also treated by the guild of aesthetic medicine.

MYTH 2: The perfect figure is achieved only with exercises

It all depends on what the concept of perfection is and is different in each person. Exercise is a great ally, but without adequate food, the desired goal will never be reached. It even applies to plastic surgery. If not accompanied by a conscious diet, work is likely to be lost.

MYTH 3: BOTOX leaves the face expressionless

Botulimic toxin or Botox, reduces facial wrinkles. Its function is not to paralyze the factions, so everything will depend on a good doctor and the amount of toxin injected into the person.

Source: venezuelaaldia.com