Pros and cons of hair graft

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Not all people are candidates for hair grafting performed. The problem is that not many specialists say the. To avoid unpleasant surprises and possible frustrations, it is best to consult professional, who will recommend the best treatment, according to the characteristics and needs of each individual.

US experts say (NIH, for its acronym in English), the capillary graft is a surgical procedure under local anesthesia, which may involve some risks such as bleeding or infection and may be affected by poor healing of the patient or the unnatural appearance of some tufts of hair growth.

The NIH explains that patients who undergo a hair transplant should be healthy for the safe and successful surgery.

Four criteria preventing transplantation

Everyone must be assessed individually by the surgeon, since the transplant is the last phase of medical treatment. There are four basic criteria by which people are not necessarily candidates to have a hair transplant.

1. By age: young patients (18-25 años) They are not good candidates because the hair loss has started recently and will continue to progress in the future; a transplant too soon can lead to a misallocation of hair, since the surgeon may never know exactly how much hair lost in the following years.

2. by sex: The distribution of baldness in men and women is different. In men alopecia areas are more localized than in women, where distribution is more diffuse throughout the head.

Most men are good candidates, except those with fine hair diffuse, while most women are not good candidates, except in cases with very localized areas loss.

3. By extension of hair loss: A further stabilization of capillary loss, best result, since the surgeon hair will be sure to put in the right areas.

4. By type of the: A thick, with lots of hair melanin give a higher density and look better after a transplant. Hair curly also give greater appearance of one smooth density.

Basic types of implants

Some techniques hair implant are more painful than others and discomfort of the patient and degree of recovery depends on it. There are two basic types of hair transplants:

1. Extraction of a strip of skin with hair on the back of the head, which is then dissected to obtain follicular units to be transplanted into the bald areas: Postoperatively is painful and can leave scars, because in removing further skin transected, Nerves and blood vessels.

2. The most recent and appropriate, because there is no visible sign of transplantation, It is the method FUE (in English, Folicular Unit Extraction, or removing individual follicles): extract the follicular unit from the donor site directly, without leaving any marks then insert a row in unpopulated area.

When surgery is performed by an experienced surgical team and following the proper technique, the result is quite natural.
