He facelift or Rhytidectomy does not stop the aging process, but yes you can return rested and pleasant appearance which had previously.
The best candidates for a The best candidates for a The best candidates for a, but they retain an elastic skin and bone structure strong and well-defined. The majority of these patients are between forty and sixty years of age, Although you can get excellent results in people over of 80 años.
With age, the skin loses its elasticity and turgor, resulting in an excess of skin in the face. The force of gravity, at the same time, that the excessive acts by pulling toward down, causing deepening in the folds between the nose and the mouth nasolabial folds 9sulco, among other brands of skin.
Adding to all this yet there are all the muscles of the face, After years of handling of benefit to the formation of wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and other areas.
The best candidates for a, to act in some muscles and eliminate excess skin existing, without changing characteristics and manifestations of the patient. The intended result is a more youthful face, look harmonious and natural.
The presence of wrinkles, sagging and excess skin on the face.
Length of hospital stay: 12 a 24 horas.
The best candidates for a:
- Report any anomaly that may occur, with regard to its State general
- Do makeup on the day of arrival
- Avoid smoking during 30 days before surgery because of complications are directly related to smoking
- Keep fasting eight (8) hours before the surgery
- Avoid any doctor on the basis of acetyl salicylic acid (AAS, Aspirin, Melhoral, Doril, etc) or any medication with anticoagulant effect at least fifteen (15) days before surgery.
A compressive bandage is removed in 24 horas. It is a common occurrence of edema (swelling) and ecchymosis (bruising), that usually resolves in 20 days. Recovery is painless, being a reduced sensitivity during a certain period in the operated area, full recovery of happening along time.
Recommendations postoperative:
- Avoid wetting the dressings during 24 horas
- Apply cotton swabs moistened with cold saline eye several times a day during the first few days
- Avoid exposure to the Sun during 30 days at least, the use of sunscreen is important and 6 months after surgery.
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