Lipofilling, the most revolutionary cosmetic surgery technique

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No one is entirely happy with your body. Fortunately, today we can fix those parts of our body that we we like. Cosmetic surgery has advanced greatly in recent years, using techniques that are increasingly efficient and less invasive, speeding up the recovery of the patient.

This is body contouring, one of the most advanced techniques being applied plastic surgeon in Barcelona is the use of lipofilling.

What is lipofilling?

The lipotransference has meant a revolution in the field of cosmetic surgery. The technique is to perform liposuction fat from those places where the body has accumulated excess and then apply it in other areas of the body that want to increase volume.

Lipofilling liposuction is a low pressure in which syringes are used instead of cannulas. It is a very fine needles thickness, no scarring.

This intervention is something like a two in one, It reduces the patient volume in areas in which to spare and can add volume to change in other parts of the body. In addition, in the case of fat from the same patient, there is no risk of rejection.

Areas which are usually extracted fat are mainly hips and abdomen. The extracted fat is subjected to a process of preparation and grafted with help of small cannulas in the treatment area.

The areas that are most commonly filled chest and buttocks, thus achieving more volume in a more natural way through silicone implants. Fat can also be applied to fill body depressions that could cause an accident or previous surgery.

Development of response and recovery

Depending on the volume of fat you have to remove and the areas to be treated, intervention can be made even with local anesthesia and under outpatient. In other cases hospitalization and general anesthesia is necessary.

After surgery, the patient can quickly return to normal life, taking into account some precautions during the first weeks.

As usual in almost all surgeries, the final results can not be measured until six months after the intervention, although two or three months and you can check what is the degree of fat that has caught on and what is the degree of fat that has been reabsorbed by the body.
