(Reconstructive Ear Surgery)
Microtia (in latin it means “small ear”) It is a congenital deformity of the pinna (external ear).
It can be one-sided (one side only) o bilateral (affecting both sides). Occurs in one of each 8.000-10.000 births.
In unilateral microtia, the right ear is typically affected. There are four grades of microtia:
Grade 1: Microtia
A slightly small ear with identifiable structures and a small but present external ear canal
Grade 2:
A partial or left ear with a blockage or stenosis of the external ear canal that produces a conductive loss of vision
Grade 3:
Absence of the external ear with a small peanut trace structure and an absence of the external ear canal and ear tapping
Grade 4: Again
Absence of the ear or total anotia (Again)
The grade 3 is the most common, and can be corrected by surgery.
More information:
What is anotia and microtia?
Anotia and microtia are birth defects in the baby's ears. Anotia is a defect in which the ear (the part of the ear that can be seen) He is not present.
Microtia is a defect in which the ear is small and has not formed correctly..
Anotia and microtia usually occur during the first weeks of pregnancy.
The severity of these defects can vary from practically unnoticeable defects to major problems in the formation of the ear..
In most cases, anotia and microtia affect the appearance of the baby's ear, but generally do not affect the parts of the ear that are inside the head (the inner parts of the ear).
However, some babies with this defect will not have an ear canal, or they will have it narrow.
Types of microtia
There are four types of microtia, that vary in type 1 to type 4. The type 1 It is the mildest form, in which the ear has a normal shape, but it's smaller than usual.
The type 4 It is the most severe type in which all external structures are missing: bonus. This alteration can affect one or both ears..
However, it is more common for babies to have only one ear affected.1-2
Causes and risk factors
The causes of both are unknown in most babies.. Some babies have either because of a change in their genes..
In some cases, occur due to an abnormality in a single gene, which can cause a genetic syndrome.
Another known cause is taking a medication called isotretinoin. (Accutane®) During pregnancy.
This medication may cause a pattern of birth defects, which sometimes includes the anotia or microtia.
These defects are also thought to be caused by a combination of genes and other factors., as the elements within the environment with which the mother comes into contact, or what you eat or drink, or certain medications you use during pregnancy.
Like many families of children with a birth defect, the CDC wants to know what causes them.
Understanding what factors are most common among babies with birth defects will help us learn more about the causes..
The CDC reported important findings about some factors that increase the risk of having a baby with anotia or microtia:
- Diabetes: Women who had diabetes before becoming pregnant were at greater risk of having a baby with anotia or microtia, compared to women who did not have diabetes.3
- Maternal feeding: Pregnant women who eat a diet with fewer carbohydrates and folic acid may be at greater risk of having a baby with microtia, compared to all other pregnant women.4
CDC continues to study birth defects, like anotia and microtia, and how to prevent them.
If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, Talk to your doctor about ways to increase your chances of having a healthy baby.