Experts say the 4 errors that must be taken into account when retouched face
1. The main concerns of patients are falling eyebrows (especially the tail of the eyebrow), overactivity of the muscles of the brow depressors (frown) and wrinkles on the forehead (decreased height of the forehead).
2. Successful surgery gets a lift from the outer two-thirds of the eyebrow, with a harmonious bow, disappearance of wrinkles, increasing the brightness of the forehead and a general feeling relaxed and refreshed (increases trofismo and convexity of the forehead, present in young people).
3. Wrong surgery or poorly indicated power drop eyebrow, a rise of the middle part, causes a sad look harmonious and no increase in the size of the forehead.
eye lids
1. Eyelid surgery is demanded by patients with skin tissue mainly redundant upper eyelid, that is to say, blefarochalasia, with or without increasing the size of the fat bags (blepharoplasty superior) or prolapse and / or increase the size of fat bags, with or without skin laxity in the lower eyelids (blepharoplasty inferior). Sometimes it is necessary to associate procedures for repositioning external edges or tensioning the lower eyelid (cantopexias and cantoplastias inter). Sometimes also repositioning eyebrows necessary if dropped.
2. Successful surgery provide a rejuvenated look look, clear, away so tired and appearance of heaviness or swelling experienced by patients. In addition, in severe cases of blefarochalasia, where skin rests on the eyelashes and hampers normal eye opening, the patient may notice less tired vision and improve part of their ocular symptoms.
3. Despite surgery to look like a safe or low body, a poorly performed technique can have such serious consequences as permanent corneal exposure palpebral malocclusion, and as a result of this, Corneal ulcers or even loss of visual acuity. Or show other signs of aging as cadaverous aspect of eye basin, redondo, or accentuate the fall of eyebrows. It should always be performed by a well qualified plastic surgeon.
1. Cheek augmentation is a surgical procedure that aims to enhance aesthetic purposes cheeks in the face of a person. Patients who demand often have little prominent or sunken cheeks, giving aspect of aging, also require patients to highlight the area of the cheek with respect to the rest of the face, following current aesthetic standards.
2. The result is achieved when satisfactory facial harmony between the facial proportions shown, even with this increase in the cheekbone area to increase the width of the midface, no irregularities are seen in the contour of the implanted material (either with implants or fillers) and no asymmetries occur with facial expression, as the smile.
3. Poor results arose mainly from poor planning or choosing the wrong product to implement, and poor performance include facial asymmetries, artificial aspect of the cheeks and migration of the implanted material.
1. Patients request full lips and not notice they have been treated.
2. natural and well shaped lips.
3. Lips aspect of duck and cylindrical. unnaturally.