Plastic surgery among children

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Cosmetic surgery operations increase each year in Spain, a stream of 'fashion’ or a necessary solution that is now growing among the smallest.

The society in which we live has a special appreciation of physical beauty, some aesthetic canons that vary according to time and that many try to follow pattern by pattern.

What children we operate and what are the reasons?

It is essential to distinguish between two types of plastic surgery procedures, since each one has a clear role. On one side is the aesthetic, in which it is intended to correct a trait that is considered 'default’ physical, and the other is restorative, trying to solve problems such as congenital malformations, sequels that left an accident or trauma.

Despite what many think, the minors are also practiced cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance for aesthetic purposes only.

Some psychologists advise correct minor details of the anatomy of small when they pose a problem when it comes to function in society, a practice that could shock many but growing every year.

These are some of the operations

Protruding ears (otoplasty): This correction does not present many surgical complications, so it can be performed in children from 6 or 7 años. The notoriety of the case, and little discomfort is essential to make this decision.

gynecomastia: With this intervention a breast symmetry is not given to the patient seeks. The accumulation of fat in one breast can cause many children suffer problems of self-acceptance.

breast reduction: Is the reduction of the mammary glands in boys. The accumulation of fat in this area can lead to generate many complex in boys, so the operation is authorized to perform during adolescence, preferably after 17 años, and only in cases of 'gigantomastia'.

Rinoplastia (Nose operation): It is advisable when the shape and appearance of the nose is mocked, to get the guy does not have trauma in adolescence.

Mentoplastia-Perfiloplastia: It is performed when the chin is too small and the face has an aspect that encourages derision.

Appendices pre-auricular: Extensions consisting of skin found in front of the ear and sometimes have cartilage under the skin. Also they are a source of insecurity and complex for the kids.

These are the most frequent interventions in minors. Every day parents who want to consult with surgeons if their children, since before very notable cases the psychological state of the child just resenting.

In either case it is vitally important to talk to children and adolescents and detect is that, and no other, the real problem.

Surgical procedures are subject to a number of risks, thus they are requiring sufficient maturity by parents, besides from medical and psychological advice in each case.
